This is our amazing nurse anesthetist Paige who went above and beyond outside of the operation room.
She was our triage nurse, took 100 vital signs per day and served as a pharmacy tech. She is witty, funny, and very fun to be around. She not only cares about humans, but also she is big animals advocate. She worried so much about a dog's condition that she kept her voice up until she made sure the situation was addressed. As seen on one of the pictures, she was saving leftover food for my dad's goats that she fell in love with and wanted to visit every day after work 🙂. She loves nature and sees beauty on every aspect of it. She has been chasing sunset since Dakar by the ocean to the Kanel desert but unfortunately no matter how convincing Bathie our driver was in getting her there on time, the bus somehow ends up missing it. So she never saw sunset in Senegal, but she saw the sun on its way to the West and the orange sky after the big star settled down.
Like I said before, everyone in this amazing group is a go-getter. Paige was determined to meet Cellal's financial goals and she pulled
strings that brought us her friend Marty who donated 2 x-boxes and a vocation to FL for our auction.
We are thankful for Paige and her friends, and her amazing partner who, not only helped a lot during our fundraising event, but also supported her during our trip.
We love you Paigyyy!! ❤