Dr. Grommesh
This is beautiful Dr Grommesh. She was our head doctor during the medical trip. I knew she was not playing when she sent me her application with her resume that includes speaking French. From that day, she has been involved with all of the planning that included the fundraising event.
Her 2 beautiful daughters walked in the fashion show, her family members all bought from the auction to support Cellal. Her kind mother made hygiene pads so that young girls in Senegal can still go to school during their menstrual periods.
Dr Grommesh is kind, gentle, and quiet but when you get to know her, she is very funny and she can teach you not only medicine and epic documentation but also belly dancing to Shakira. Yes, she is a pro on everything she does.
I am so grateful for you Dr Grommesh and I am pretty sure you have seen how the Senegalese people appreciated your presence and services. I am thanking your husband and Children for allowing you to be a crucial part of our team on this trip.
I and every team member enjoyed your presence and thank you so much. ❤